
31 Jul 2008

Cherish this magic moment

Did this Lo using all Heather Bailey pp. Love her latest pp....... sooo colourful and sweet...

30 Jul 2008

Bubbles Faces

So in Love

Did this little LO for Aaron boy and his gf. They look sooooo sweet. Hope they like it :)

15 Jul 2008

Married 2 my Best Friend

My Special Day

It was my birthday yesterday and had spent some special time with my h:). G. had brought 2 Gold Class tickets for Red Cliff,a long show but the seats were soooooooo comfortable that it did not feel like two and a half hours show.
Later in the night, had some simple dinner and had a big beauitful cake from my sis and bro from China. Sooooooo sweet of them still remember my birthday!