where have I been this few weeks. I have not been posting any pics of the two monsters nor any scrapbooking layout. I was told by the doctor that I needed to rest as much as possible and if can try to lay down on the bed more. So this is the resson why I have not been blogging so much. I will have to rest as much as I can this few months and sorry to my families and friends that have been visiting my blog very often, you might have to wait a bit longer to see some of my latest pics or projects. Ok Ok, I have to go back to my bed again, see everyone soooooooooooooon.
Hi Michelle, just popping by to say Hello!! hope you are feeling better.:)
Oh dear, hope you are feeling better. Nominated you for an award on my blog . Hopefully that brings a little cheer. Take care
Michelle, take care and rest well yeah :) hope you'll recover soon!
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